
Friday, May 15, 2020

SUNGAI CHOH (28) : Once Upon A Time | Poetic Psychology

Poetic Psychology
(An Actor Who Had Lost His Confidence)

Poetic Psychology
Dramatic Irony
A Stage Fright
Venue Of Escapism
Someone Of Note

My elder brother told me, it was just an ant bite. No harm done whatever, and everything would go as simple as ABC. Anyway it was just a poetic psychology or a dramatic irony. Just an attempt to boost my spirits and strength. Probably I was just an actor who had lost his confidence and suffered a stage fright. Yet, the circumcision still triggered fear in me. Feeling afraid to count each day to be circumcised. However I couldn't help myself or reject the appointed day. The closer the day, the more scary I felt. There was no venue of escapism and no way to switch dimensions. What a fright moment. Anyhow that moment would be my history then. That’s the beginning to be someone of note.

Scary Moments
Scared To Death
Really Scary
Ideal Situation
Circumcision Ritual

However the clock seemed ticking quickly. As if to challenge my courage. But I was  anxious  and depressed  to think of scary moments. Nobody cared about me, who was scared to death. So that morning as early as six o'clock, my dad told me to dive into Sungai Choh. So I was forced to cycle down the road with heart beating moments. It only took 5 minutes to reach the river bridge. So fast, it's like being chased by a ghost. Little did I realize that I was pursuing all that energy. It's really scary to think of something would happen to me. However, that's the beginning of once upon a time story. After a few dive I was chilled to the bone, the ideal situation to go through the the religious circumcision ritual. Later I cycled home, but then my body got warm again.

Unpopular Figure
Psychological Effect
Not So Friendly
Banana Trunk
Worthy Of Respect

Finally the unpopular figure of Tok Ain, popular called Tok Mudim, came with a broad smile. Yet it did not bring any psychological effect. But suddenly the atmosphere became tense and not so friendly. As if the situation did not welcome someone's presence. Anxious and nervous began to dominate my confidence and courage. Even my fear was getting worse. It seemed my fear reached its end then. However, I could not change what's going to happen. I could not even postpone the ritual. There was no magic wand to change the upcoming event. So with tremble hands I just sat on the banana trunk. Then, all of a sudden it happened, without me completely aware of the moments. By then, for just a few seconds, I was a man worthy of respect. Eligible to have a girl friend, as told by my elder brother.