
Thursday, February 3, 2022


Keajaiban Alam

Manifestasi Kebesaran Ilahi

Cahaya Syurga (1)


Awan iridescent, yang dikenali sebagai “awan pelangi".  Bagaikan mural malaikat yang menakjubkan atau pameran luar biasa di angkasa. Mungkin juga biasan cahaya dari syurga. Namun ianya bukan manipulasi mahupun paranormal. Sebenarnya ialah awan yang berwarna-warni. Fenomena yang berlaku di atmosfera. Terhasil dari  gelombang yang disebabkan oleh titisan air kecil atau kristal ais kecil yang menyebarkan cahaya. Fenomena ini sering terjadi  pada awan Altocumulus,  Cirrocumulus, Lenticular,  dan Cirrus. kadang-kadang muncul sebagai jalur atau gelung yang rata atau nipis, dan yang selari di tepi awan. Kalau muncul hampir dengan  matahari, kesannya boleh menjadi sukar untuk dilihat kerana ia tenggelam dalam silau Matahari.



Saturday, December 12, 2020

SUNGAI CHOH (34) : Once Upon A Time | Hari Raya Aidilfitri


Hari Raya Aidilfitri
(We Visited Each Other's House)


Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Looked Gergeous

Unbranded Slippers

Forgive Each Other

Extinguish The Fire


On the first day of Hari Raya Aidilfitri, we all looked gorgeous. Every now and then we smiled happily, even though we were wearing new white Fung Keong shoes or just new unbranded slippers. We actually did not care much about our dresses, as long as the dresses were new to the eyes. So it was the day when we visited each other’s houses, not  to queue for angpao but to forgive each other. Excitement sometimes made us less concerned about angpao or sedekah. However  we believed that, “sedekah is like water to extinguish the fire”.


On the first Hari Raya, some villagers also went to the cemetery, a place of peace for the  final rest. It was about 1 km away from the village. It was really a day to recite prayer for the dead ones, as well as to  remind us of death. After the visit we were free to run the Hari Raya program. Yet not enough time to explore every corner of the village. So we might as well just visited friends and relatives. By the end of the day all kind of cakes and drinks stuffed into our stomach, making it difficult to breathe. However  friends' home visit continued to the second day.  As there was no TV program to tie our legs to the house, so we visited our friends or we invited them to our home.


The next day we stepped further. With a considerable amount of angpao, it's time to have fun. So our next destination was the Rawang town, about five km from Sungai Choh main bus stop. It was once a tin mining town as early as  19th century. So we took Foh Hup bus to Rawang bus station.  That’s the only bas service back then.  There was no other public transport.  No Grab or Uber service, and even taxi. By then we actually had no plan whatsoever, just went for a walk and drink. However some friends bought tickets to watch cheap matinee at Rex Cinema. So that’s the way we spent a day, just to finish off our angpao. Anyway It was a day to remember.  Then it became once upon a time story that did not last a week to tell back.


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

SUNGAI CHOH (33) : Once Upon A Time | Force Of Habit

Force Of Habit 
(The Nature Of Boys To Play Rough Games)

Force Of Nature

Play Outdoor

Nature Boys
Local Touch    
Season Schedule

Probably it was from force of habit when boys liked to play outdoor. Of course  the village was our playground with more than 5 kids gathered together. So it was the nature of the boys to play rough games together, especially challenging their skills. Every game actually had its local touch, as well as touch of fun. Sometimes we got too excited when playing. However there was no clock to limit our play, unless fatigue or hunger was the referee to stop the game. By then, we never ever felt bored. We continued to play all along, until the end of its season.  Then unofficially the game had reached its end. So another game would take over, according to unwritten season schedule.

Older Generation

Poor Grandparents

A Special Game

An Empty Brain

Natural Desire
During the old days, so many traditional games were played by the older generations, especially in the late fifties and early sixties. This was how their poor grandparents spent their joyful childhood days with these games. Yet, sometimes it's an insult, “silek nian” when people called you “kaki bangku” if you could not play sepak raga or football. This was  a special game for boys at that time. So you could at least kick whatever. Similarly you would be called an empty brain if you were not good at counting in konda-kondi or batu seremban game.  However you did not have to be an expert player or a versatile player. The reason to play was to enjoy the game, while fulfilling  the natural desire as children. Winning the game  would also be rewarding. You would be called the champ of the village.

Physical Fitness

Basic Rules

A Normal Player

A Master Of Non

"Kera Sumbang"

However, children's games are the medium to bridge relationships, as well as to enhance physical fitness and mind. So no need to play desperately, till the end. We just enjoyed the fun. Yet in any children game it was important to know the basic  rules. That’s why all boys needed to know how to play. Though every game had its technique, sometimes we just overruled. We did not care,  as long as we enjoyed the game. So was I , just a normal player. I could play any games but a master of non. So if you did not play, at least you could support your friends or simply clapped your hands. Never ever be a "kera sumbang", otherwise you were alone in the crowd. Anyway playing with our peers was a sweet memory and invaluable experience that no money could buy.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

SUNGAI CHOH (32) : Once Upon A Time | Social Change

Social Change 
(The Practice Of Bengkulu Traditions Had Become The Norm)

Provide Comfort
Social Changes
Way Of Life
"Old is Gold"
Bengkulu's Honour

Those were the days, when Kampung Sungai Choh had gone through changes, but a bit slow in the progress. However, there were not many facilities that could provide comfort to the villagers. There were also no social changes that could bring great events. Anyhow, we still adhered to the old way of life. Nevertheless, the practice of Bengkulu tradition has become the norm and the value of life during the "puntung berasap" era. So it should be maintained and sustained. As the elders said, "old is gold". So no matter whatever the change was, they had to ensure that it did not affect  the village's stability and Bengkulu's honour. So the old people were the source of the village's wisdom that brought harmony and serenity.

Priority Needs
Basic Necessities
Political Protest
"Ayo Dalam Besi"
Take Its Course

Then as a boy, I just went through my life as usual and went on as before. I  did not even know what were the priority needs in life. In modern times, of course electricity and water are the basic necessities of life. By then it is not only an issue but a big problem if electricity is cut off or there is no water from the pipe. It's however hard to predict what will happen then. Perhaps it will provoke a political protest or it will be street demonstrations by the opposition. Yet in those days, even no "ayo dalam besi" and no "api dalam kace", our life went on as usual. There was nothing to protest and nothing to demonstrate. We do not insist on appealing for convenience. We only smiled as the life went on. We didnot even regret what  happened. Sometimes challenges and hardships were what the life was actually. So might as well we just let life take its course.

Part Of The Life
For Daily Living
Not Polluted
Symbol Of Village
Dignity Of The Village

However in those days, most of the  villagers got  water from the well, not only for drinking but for washing and bathing as well. I still remembered when bathing at the well. I just leaned on my elder brother's back. So I shared the shower with my brother. The well was thus a part of the life of the villagers. Equally important was the river that provided water for daily living. We were not really  fussy, as long as the water was available for our need. Moreover the river was not polluted and not cloudy, but crystal clear. So for us the river was a symbol of village life, from which the village got its name "Kampung Sungai Choh". It was also the lifeblood of the villagers. That’s why the river represented the dignity of the village.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

SUNGAI CHOH (31) : Once Upon A Time | Nostalgic Memories

Nostalgic Memories 
(Floating In The Ocean Of Feelings)

Bamboo Cannons
Sad Scenario
Past Memory
Nostalgic Memories
Ocean Of Feeling

There was no television and no fasting month program back then. Yet the joy and excitement almost filled the night's atmosphere. Even the repeated sound of bamboo cannons echoed through the night, making the night even more lively and meaningful. However, the sound of bamboo cannon is no longer  heard nowadays. Just a memory of nostalgia for the lifetime of Grandpas . What a sad scenario. It is just a past memory that has been long forgotten. So yesterday’s memory is tomorrow’s dream for grandpas. Yet today's grandpas have to cover their ears from the sickening firecrackers. It's not as nostalgic as the echoes of bamboo cannon, arousing the joy on the eve of hari raya. Sometimes grandpas shed tears when nostalgic memories kept on floating in the ocean of feelings.

Thousand Of Fingers
Household Chores
Untiring Efforts
Words Of Appreciation
A Heavenly Gift

However on the eve of Hari Raya Aidilfitri, all households were really busy, as if working round-the-clock. That's preparations for the annual religious eid festival, as a victory in the fight against lust. But strangely enough, my mother seemed to have thousand of fingers.   From the first day of fasting month her hands did thousand of works. By then there was no home appliances that could help my mother to ease the burden of household chores. So every work was done only with ten fingers. I wondered where and how my mother got  the energy to handle all the work. What actually made her so passionate and diligent in her kitchen work. I really respected my mother for her untiring efforts to make everything for our needs. Thus true as words of appreciation, mother in the house is really a heavenly gift. That's why heaven is under the soles of the mother.

Preparing "Moreh"
Bengkulu Tradition
"Takbir Raya"
Eye Contact
Best Outfits

That night before breaking the fast, my mother was busy in the living room. Preparing "moreh" light meal for the upcoming midnight male guest. “Moreh” was Bengkulu tradition, visiting each house in group on the eve of hari raya. So we recited "takbir raya" together, before entertaining the dishes. Sometimes with a loud voice so as to challenge the other groups. By then it was quite common when "moreh" ended up early in the morning, as early as two o'clock. However this was a golden opportuniy for the young people to make eye contact with their lovers. How the night of heaven made the heart float. Of course they would be in their best outfits and with very good manners. Surely a sweet smile was always on their lips, so inviting and promising. They looked so innocent, and even an ant would not fall prey to their feet.