
Friday, August 9, 2019

SUNGAI CHOH (6) : Once Upon A Time | Make A Virtue Of Necessity

Once Upon A Time
 (The Moment Of Truth)

Roadside Shop
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Emergency Era
Roadside Shop
Four Intersections

It is just the polemic of black shoes. What a ridiculous. For sure, it only reflects the low standard of mentality. Probably it is just a dramatic maneuver in order to gain political mileage or to gain cheap publicity by being busy. However being busy without any need is ignorance. Anyway sad to say, they could not differentiate between necessity and necessary. Actually it is not really a big issue, but the real issue is how to make a virtue of necessity. To be in position to do right things and to make things right. So, being in the right place at the right time will make you the right person. That's the moment of truth.

Feeling Thirsty
Backyard View
Wedding Ceremony
Lost Memory
Today's Dream

Sometimes a sudden idea may give a long time benefits. That’s unexpected intellectual blessing. Anyway they need time to realize what is more important in education. What is really an issue and what is really a problem. Without wisdom, they will interpret the issue as a problem or otherwise. However, let those who have the authority to solve all education problems. They have the expertise and wisdom to solve any problems that may arise. I believe, There is a solution to every problem. In fact, yesterday’s problem will be today’s decision. Of course today’s decision will be tomorrow’s result.

Smile A Mile
Let Love Grow
Yesterday's Memory
Main Road To KL
Main Road To IIpoh

Anyway, back then the words "issue" was quite rare to the ears of our parents. They never crossed the line or interfered any school programs. Especially they didn't care about shoes, whether they were white or black shoes. It made no difference. After all, life is not worse without shoes. Even in the late 50s we just walked barefooted. Roaming aimlessly into every corner of the village. Nevertheless walking barefoot was a feeling close to the mother earth. We could feel the love of the earth from the soles of our feet. However only in school did we have to wear shoes, but then we felt not so comfortable. Yet it was not a problem at all.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

SUNGAI CHOH (5) : Once Upon A Time | To Share The Fun Is A Gift

Once Upon A Time
 (The More We Get Together)

SK Sungai Choh
Standard 6
Memory 1962
Nearby Main Road
Formerly Sekolah Umum

What a joy to see my grandchildren smiling in their best attire. Anyway they are lucky because everything is affordable for the parents. Whereas their Atuk, who came from a simple family, wore anything. Just to cover the thin body. Of course the short pants was quite big and loose. Only tightened by "tali rafia" as a belt.  So was the light blue short-sleeved shirt, quite big to suit the body. Sometimes like a clown in a loose-fitting suit, walking a bit weird.  Anyway I couldn’t care less. After all, I was not fashion-minded to get girls’ attention. Even so, I was too naive to be Casanova or Romeo or whatever. Might be, it's typical of me.

Fraser Hill
Wooden Shop
Wedding Ceremony
Panoramic View
SK Sungai Choh

Actually the light blue colour came from indigo dye or "nila". Well, in the first round of the days,  Atuk’s uniform was quite hard and rigid due to the starch or “kanji”. During that time “kanji” was quite popular substances for stiffening the fabric. That's why most of the pupils were walking like robots. However we were not really bother about our uniform whatever. School uniform was not a priority back then. We only went to school because we could get together with friends and then played together. By then, I somehow believed the secret of togetherness. That belief still stands today. So trust me, my friends. We are just a drop of water if we are alone but we are an ocean if we get together. So  the wind wave will be our strength and as well as the ocean depth  will be our mind. 

Shared The Joy
ARAM Siblings
Sungai Buaya
Main Gate
From Jalan Mawar
Back then,  we were nonetheless a little vague  about the purpose of going to school. Might be basically  able to read, write and count.  Nothing more than the needs and abilities of primary school pupils. In fact, we didn't have any ambition at all. We were just playful village boys. Even playing was  fun and was an exciting daily activity, although we had to study religion in the afternoon. However we still had good-time opportunity to play together. Surprisingly, happiness had made the body feel less tired. Instead, we always promised to play again the next day. Thus having many friends to share the  fun was a gift unlike any other. In other words, being alone was a dream but together was a reality which we shared together.

The more we get together
Together, together
The happier we’ll be

'Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we get together
The happier we'll be

(Nursery Rhyme)

Sunday, August 4, 2019

SUNGAI CHOH (4) : Once Upon A Time | Problems Of Generation Y

Once Upon A time
(Missing In Their Own Homes)

We even explored the bush, climbing all trees to be  the "Tarzan of the bush". Targeting birds with catapult and searching spiders for spider fighting tournament. The winner of this tournament would be acknowledged as,  “Raja Kampung”. All these ventures had nurtured us to be well-behaved kampung boys. Of course we were not involved in any social problems. That’s the Bangkulu boys of  Kampung Sungai Choh back then. Of course we were proud to be nature boys. But then I wonder what happen to the children in the world of today's technology.

Kg. Hilir Terendam
Selangor Boys
Future Mothers
Sungai Choh Road
"The Last Road"

I am afraid they are slowly losing their characters. Needless to say, they are increasingly  surrounded by technology, especially computers, laptops, internets and mobile phones. This technology has dramatically changed the lives of our grandchildren. Even new forms of technology addiction can lead to social isolation. It's really a scary phenomenon. So, right now side effects are beginning to show signs of it, bit by bit. Not to mention the physical and mental problems or Neurosis. This is sometimes  called IAD:  Internet addiction disorder, (Am I right Doc?). However, this is really a new generation Y problem in the 20th century.

Village Boys
Junction To Sg. Buaya
Sungai Choh Road

They are  somehow missing in their own homes and sometimes alone in the crowd. They are gradually becoming robotic human beings. Unconsciously controlled by certain devices or gadgets. I am afraid their moral backbones are not that strong and their hearts are not that ironwilled. They will be easily influenced and seduced. By then they will be the lame ducks. So it is high time to programme them to be MEPs (Morally Educated Persons). To be mature and ethical with intellectual honesty, practical wisdom and professional commitment. That's what they should be for the future.

Guitar Rhythm
Front Yard
Past Shadow
Trail Of Memory
Row Of Shops