
Sunday, August 4, 2019

SUNGAI CHOH (4) : Once Upon A Time | Problems Of Generation Y

Once Upon A time
(Missing In Their Own Homes)

We even explored the bush, climbing all trees to be  the "Tarzan of the bush". Targeting birds with catapult and searching spiders for spider fighting tournament. The winner of this tournament would be acknowledged as,  “Raja Kampung”. All these ventures had nurtured us to be well-behaved kampung boys. Of course we were not involved in any social problems. That’s the Bangkulu boys of  Kampung Sungai Choh back then. Of course we were proud to be nature boys. But then I wonder what happen to the children in the world of today's technology.

Kg. Hilir Terendam
Selangor Boys
Future Mothers
Sungai Choh Road
"The Last Road"

I am afraid they are slowly losing their characters. Needless to say, they are increasingly  surrounded by technology, especially computers, laptops, internets and mobile phones. This technology has dramatically changed the lives of our grandchildren. Even new forms of technology addiction can lead to social isolation. It's really a scary phenomenon. So, right now side effects are beginning to show signs of it, bit by bit. Not to mention the physical and mental problems or Neurosis. This is sometimes  called IAD:  Internet addiction disorder, (Am I right Doc?). However, this is really a new generation Y problem in the 20th century.

Village Boys
Junction To Sg. Buaya
Sungai Choh Road

They are  somehow missing in their own homes and sometimes alone in the crowd. They are gradually becoming robotic human beings. Unconsciously controlled by certain devices or gadgets. I am afraid their moral backbones are not that strong and their hearts are not that ironwilled. They will be easily influenced and seduced. By then they will be the lame ducks. So it is high time to programme them to be MEPs (Morally Educated Persons). To be mature and ethical with intellectual honesty, practical wisdom and professional commitment. That's what they should be for the future.

Guitar Rhythm
Front Yard
Past Shadow
Trail Of Memory
Row Of Shops

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